Imagine a classsroom where social and emotional skills and strengths support learning...

It’s within reach. I promise. 


…a classroom where every student feels understood and supported, with their emotional needs met as thoughtfully as their academic ones.

…perfectionism is managed with grace, and students learn to embrace mistakes as part of their journey to mastery.

…peer relationships are strong, and students support one another in a community built on empathy and respect.

…students are equipped with the emotional intelligence skills they need to navigate challenges both in and out of the classroom.

…parents notice positive changes in their children’s attitudes and behaviors, leading to stronger home-school partnerships.

You're just a few hours away from making this your reality.

Does this sound familiar?

female teacher in back of class

there's a course for you

What if I told you there was a professional development course you would use at home as much as you did at school?

Meeting the social and emotional needs of gifted kids (and all kids!) is incredibly easy when you apply the strategies you’ll learn in this course.


Gain practical tools to enhance the social and emotional development of gifted learners, leading to a more engaged and motivated classroom.

teacher with african-american student

Discover strategies that not only elevate your professional practice but also enrich your personal interactions, both in and out of the classroom.

smiling students

Equip your students with the skills they need to understand and regulate their emotions, setting them up for success both academically and personally.

Lisa Van Gemert photo

Kind words from current students.


Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted

This Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted course is a powerful, six-hour professional development experience designed to equip educators with actionable strategies to support the unique social and emotional needs of gifted students.

mockup of social and emotional needs course components

Here's what's included:

Group Coaching

You’ll get access to monthly livestreamed office hours where you can ask questions or get personal help.

Lifetime Access

The course is an asynchronous video course. You’ll have access to the course for the lifetime of the course! Watch again anytime!

Course Guide

You’ll get an amazing course guide full of great information and access to downloads and resources (even a lesson plan!). 

here's your sneak peek...

Let's look inside the course!

The course has five content modules, a bonus content module, and an assessment that leads to a certificate for six hours of professional development credit. Let’s look at the modules!


Introduction to the Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted

Uncover the distinct characteristics and challenges that gifted students face. This module gives you the tools to create a classroom environment that’s inclusive and empathetic, meeting students where they are and guiding them toward emotional growth. 

You’ll also dive into the principle of asynchronous development, helping you understand why gifted students often seem out of sync with their peers.

screenshot of cover video of introduction module

Emotional Intelligence

Explore the critical role emotional intelligence plays in academic and personal success. This module offers practical activities to enhance students’ self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills.

You’ll learn how to create a classroom culture that encourages reflection and connection, directly impacting your students’ ability to learn and thrive.


Intensities and Overexcitabilities

Gifted students often experience heightened sensitivities and intense emotions. In this module, you’ll learn how to recognize and channel these intensities positively.

By creating a safe space for students to express their passions, you’ll turn their unique characteristics into strengths that enhance their learning and your teaching.

screenshot of cover video
screenshot of cover video


Motivating gifted students requires a nuanced approach. This module addresses the unique factors that drive their motivation, offering strategies to foster a growth mindset and resilience.

You’ll discover what works—and what doesn’t—so you can keep your students engaged and eager to learn.



Perfectionism can be both a gift and a burden. This module helps you navigate the complexities of perfectionism in gifted students, offering techniques to distinguish between healthy and unhealthy forms. You’ll gain practical strategies to help students manage their perfectionism, focus on growth, and conquer procrastination.

screenshot of cover video
cover of module 6

Biblio- and Cinematherapy

Literature and films can be powerful tools for emotional exploration. In this bonus module, you’ll learn how to use stories and characters to foster critical thinking and empathy in your students. By integrating biblio- and cinematherapy into your teaching, you’ll create engaging, meaningful lessons that resonate with students both academically and emotionally.

there's more...

Let's talk about the bonuses.


You’ll get attitude posters so your students can choose their attitude everyday.

image of attitude words poster

The feelings words printables are incredibly comprehensive.

Bonus: Use them in writing, too!


Book recommendations for bibliotherapy for younger and older students.

The quality you're used to

As someone who’s spent years in the classroom, I know how challenging it can be to meet the unique social and emotional needs of gifted students. 

That’s why I created this course—to give you practical, actionable strategies that really work.

Lisa Van Gemert at desk

And just so I'm clear...
(Because I don't believe in wasting your time)

You're in the right place if:

You're in the wrong place if:

I'm Lisa Van Gemert

I know first hand how difficult it can be to find quality professional development that is actionable.

It’s no secret that I have provided professional development to over 50,000 teachers.

What makes my PD different is that it’s real. The strategies are ones I’ve used in a real classroom with my real students.

I also have to have 150 hours of PD every 5 years to renew my own teaching certification, so I want PD to amazing.

I’ve created my PD courses for teachers just like you who want to create great classrooms through the power of great PD.

frequently asked questions

You've got Q's? I've got A's.

Here are some of the questions I get asked a lot (and the answers!).

The course is six hours. That includes the time it takes to watch the videos and take the assessment. 

After you take the assessment and score an 85% or higher, a certificate will be emailed to you.

You can review the parts that you didn’t remember well and take it again!

Yes, if you need 5 or more licenses, there is a group discount price. There is also special pricing for school districts.

Because you have instant access to all of the material, refunds are only given for accidental duplicate purchases.

Special licenses are available for this. Purchasing the course allows access for one teacher’s personal use.

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