Depth and Complexity PD Course
There’s a path to great teaching, and it’s here for you. Turn Depth and Complexity into your teaching superpower.
Imagine what it could be like...
- What if you could feel as good about your teaching at the END of the day as you did when you were sitting on your couch planning?
- What if you could walk into your classroom everyday knowing you can meet the needs of varying levels of students at the same time?
- What if you could stop worrying about testing and just teach, building the classroom you really want?
Course Details
About the Course
Hi, I’m List Van Gemert, an educator and author of the bestselling book on Depth and Complexity.
In just a few hours, I will teach you everything you need to know to create amazing learning opportunities for students full of deep thinking, lively discussion, and content mastery at a level you never dreamed possible.
Credit: 6 hours
Price: $79
Email lisa@giftedguru.com for campus and district pricing.
The depth and complexity framework has the power to turn you into a truly extraordinary teacher
I’ve seen my school district force ideas down our throats that are nothing more than the poster of the year hung on the wall of the classroom.
I’ve been to professional development facilitated by people who’d never actually been in a classroom. Yeah, that’s my personal favorite.
And all the while, I’ve been like an audience member in a movie theater, desperately trying to get the actors to see me signaling to them, “Don’t do it! He’s lying! I know what you should do!”
The answer is Depth & Complexity.
Combined with excellent questioning, Depth & Complexity offers you the skills and strategies you need to accomplish all that will ever be thrown at you as a teacher.
That’s a big promise, but I’m sure it can deliver.
How do I know? Because I’ve been training teachers just like you for years, and I’ve seen what it’s done for their students. I’ve written a best-selling book on it that tens of thousands of teachers of have used to raise their classes to
I’ve taken all I’ve learned and put it in this course that will teach you to be an expert questioner. You are just a few hours away from being one of the best teachers in the country.
Your Instructor
Lisa Van Gemert
Using a combination of neuropsychology, pedagogy, experience, humor, technology and sheer fun, Lisa Van Gemert shares best practices in education with audiences around the world. She is an expert consult to television shows including Lifetime’s “Child Genius,” and a writer of award-winning lesson plans, as well as numerous published articles on social psychology and pedagogy and four books, including the Legacy Award winning book, Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing Never Good Enough. A former teacher, school administrator, and Youth & Education Ambassador for Mensa, she shares resources for educators and parents on her websites GiftedGuru.com & VocabularyLuau.com. In her free time, she reads like they’re going to stop printing books any second. Lisa and her husband Steve are the parents of a lot of sons and live in Arlington, Texas.
Imagine what it can be like :
Looking at a new standard and instantly knowing exactly how to teach it in a way that practically guarantees student success
your confidence in your teaching is so strong that it can withstand even the worst day
you have a toolbox chock-full of great strategies you can draw on at the drop of a hat
knowing your students leave class with confidence in themselves and a sense of purpose
you have an almost magical ability to explain concepts in multiple ways
How other teachers are transforming their classes with effective, practical differentiation:
Sound good? It’s all here for you.
Have you heard of Depth & Complexity and want to learn not just what it is, but how to use it?
Here's exactly what you get:
Modules 1 – 5 contain the fundamentals you need to earn six hours of professional development credit.
Modules 6 – 10 offer you more – more ideas, more knowledge, and more power as you develop your Depth and Complexity prowess.
- Module 1: You will get to know the Depth & Complexity framework and what it can do for you
- Module 2: You’ll begin building your Depth & Complexity toolbox with a set of four thinking prompts you can use in class right away.
- Module 3: You’ll learn the four workhorse thinking prompts of Depth & Complexity and see loads of examples from real classrooms.
- Module 4: You’ll wrap up your learning about the eleven thinking prompts and see loads and loads of activities you can use in class
- Module 5: You’ll find out exactly how to introduce your students to Depth & Complexity.
- Module 6: You’ll expand your Depth & Complexity knowledge with the five Content Imperatives.
- Module 7: You’ll learn about Disciplinarianism and the power it offers your students.
- Module 8: You’ll discover the incredible benefits of Universal Themes and how to use them.
- Module 9: Find out why everyone loves Depth & Complexity frames so much! You’ll learn how to create them yourself and avoid common pitfalls.
- Module 10: Extras! In this module, you’ll look at special situations like younger students, how to combine Depth & Complexity with graphic organizers, and how to combine the thinking prompts with each other.
- Module 11: Need to demonstrate your learning? In this module, you can take an assessment and earn a 6-hour Depth & Complexity professional development certificate.
In the course guide, you’ll find examples, tips, and ideas you can use right away. It will be your Depth & Complexity friend, helping you make the most of your Depth & Complexity journey.
You’ll also receive invitations to participate in monthly live office hours with the instructor where you can ask questions and get feedback.