Parents of gifted kids tend to be information junkies.
We want to know everything we can about how our kids think and how we can help them. I know. I’m one of them! My husband and I have raised three gifted sons, and we both went through our schools’ gifted programs. We’ve been where you are.
These resources are just a few suggestions for launching places. You could get an unofficial Ph.D. in giftedness if you read everything that was available (and maybe you want to!). If what you want is to know the fundamentals, this is where to start.
If your child’s teacher directed you here, then you have a lucky child!
Let's start with the home base for parents:
This page is where you find all the articles I’ve written for parents, as well as links to some videos, so you can bookmark that. You can click the picture below to access the page.
What I think you should read first:
🧠 How to Tell a Child He/She is Gifted
💡 Readers’ Best Advice to Parents, Teachers, and Gifted Kids
🍏 Why School’s Not Fair to Gifted Kids
✅ 6 Steps to Take If School Isn’t Meeting the Needs of Your Gifted Child
📋 The Role and Importance of Process (Why Students Need to Show Their Work)
Once you’ve read those, I think you’ll enjoy exploring the “Interview with a Gifted Kid” series.
In this series, I interview gifted kids and even grown-up gifted kids about their experiences.
After reading a few of these, you may want me to interview you or your child! Just email me at lisa@giftedguru.com.
Want to hear more?
I’ve been a guest on loads of podcasts, and I also have recommendations for other podcasts about giftedness.
You can find all of my recommendations, as well as links to my podcast guest episodes here.
More Sources of Information and Community
🌟This page at the website of the Texas Association of the Gifted and Talented shares information from the Parent Division of TAGT, which has a nice list of resources.
🌟If you have (and can prove it) a profoundly gifted child, then the Davidson Institute is a great resource for you.
🌟The MensaforKids site has parent resources (including my award-winning lesson plans that can be done without a teacher at home or at school), so check that out.
🌟The National Association for Gifted Children is a wonderful source for advocacy information, as well as research.
🌟SENG (Social and Emotional Needs of the Gifted) offers parent webinars, and loads of other resources and information.
I belong to both of those organizations!
🌟If you’re homeschooling or have a child interested in the brain, check out Eric Chudler’s wonderful neuroscienceforkids website. It’s as amazing as he is!
Check out the Books!
I wrote a book on perfectionism that won a big ol’ award. I like it because everyone who reads it tells me that they got tips they could really use from it. It’s a good one, promise. I keep the Kindle version super cheap, so everyone can grab it who wants it!
Living Gifted: 52 Tips to Survive and Thrive in Giftedland is a super little book that is a book and workbook in one. It’s chock-full of great activities you can do (or do with students).
The book Ian and I wrote about Depth & Compexity is a game-changer (and we aren’t even the ones who called it that! It’s for teachers, so if you’re a teacher or if you want a great gift for a teacher, grab a copy!
Living with Intensity
Questions? Ideas? Just wanna connect?
Be sure to check out my free downloads page for more freebies and sign up for my newsletter to get a free guide to help gifted kids thrive in school.
I livestream free office hours every month where you can ask any questions you want about raising bright kids, so be sure to subscribe to be informed of the next one!
Let’s keep in touch!
You can find me at:
🖥️ My website (you’re here!)
📺 YouTube
I hope to meet you again, even if it’s just virtually.
Best wishes!