
Thank you for joining in!

Here are the resources from the session:

Let’s Hang Out!

If you’d like to stay in touch, please join in the Gifted Guru Insiders! Right away you’ll get this excellent guide on helping gifted kids thrive in school. Find out more about that here.

book cover with students on blue background in iPad

If you think your students (or personal child) may enjoy joining Mrs. Van’s English Class and becoming a Vanstar, learn more here.

Would you like to get a taste? You can watch me teach a class here!

you tube screen capture of title slide and teacher

Would you like resources ready-made for your classroom?

In addition to the freebies I send to the Insiders, I create resources I put on Amazon and in TpT. You can find great stuff for gifted in my little store!

images of teaching resources and printables

Want more? Check out the Books!

Perfectionism: A Practical Guide to Managing ‘Never Good Enough’

I wrote a book on perfectionism that won a big ol’ award. I like it because everyone who reads it tells me that they got tips they could really use from it. It’s a good one, promise, and it’s geared to teachers and parents. I keep the Kindle version super cheap, so everyone can grab it who wants it!

cover of Perfectionism

Living Gifted: 52 Tips to Survive and Thrive in Giftedland

Living Gifted: 52 Tips to Survive and Thrive in Giftedland is a super little book that is a book and workbook in one. It’s chock-full of great activities you can do (or do with students). You can get the ebook for just $2 here.

cover of Living Gifts

Gifted Guild’s Depth & Complexity Question Stems Ebook

The Questions book is a must!! It’s pages and pages of question stems (from the big book and loads of extras). They’re all organized by Depth & Complexity element and content areas. Grab it for just $2.50 here.

cover of Depth and Complexity Question Stems Ebook

Concept Capsules: The Interactive, Research-based Strategy Teaching Academic Vocabulary

Teach academic vocabulary at all? In any content area? Have I got a method for you! This is my latest book, and it may be my favorite (well, after the Depth & Complexity book). You can grab the paperback here or the digital copy at half price for people who’ve attended workshops here.

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Let’s keep in touch!

Questions? Follow-up clarity issue? Just want to be a part of Giftedland community? You can find that on my website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and YouTube.

I hope to meet you again, even if it’s just virtually.

Best wishes!

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