15 Ways to Help Gifted Kids Thrive in School
15 ways to help gifted kids thrive in school with ideas that work for lots of kids, so everyone will find ideas they can apply right away.
Articles on parenting gifted children
15 ways to help gifted kids thrive in school with ideas that work for lots of kids, so everyone will find ideas they can apply right away.
In speaking of the efforts of Britain’s Royal Air Force, who were then tirelessly fighting the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, Winston Churchill said,
I’ve written about the homework battle before, and I don’t mean to discourage anyone, but it doesn’t usually get better as the student gets older.
I wrote about how to NOT to tell a child he/she is gifted, and now I’m sharing my thoughts about how to do it well.
I’m a big believer in gifted identification. Both I and my colleague Ian Byrd have written about it. Once a child is identified, you’re going
Even without the intensities/overexcitabilities so common in our gifted population, kids can be overly emotional. What do I mean by overly emotional? I mean that
The students are the core of what we do, and I think it’s critical that they are also able to be the corps, or body,
Sometimes gifted kids can move much more quickly than the system is ready for. Sometimes gifted kids can move much more quickly than they are
Back to School after a Vacation Every year it was the same: spend the last few days of Christmas vacation searching my mind, files, teacher
When I was teaching high school, I kept a can of spray cheese in my classroom, and when kids would whine, I would pull it
What happens when a gifted student moves from one school district to another? How do parents obtain continuity of service for gifted students? How can
What do you give a gifted kid for the holidays or birthdays or any other random time? I’ve put together this gifted kid gift guide
Reader Request I love responding to reader requests, and I recently solicited some questions on my Facebook page. This question came in from a mom of