15 Ways to Help Gifted Kids Thrive in School
15 ways to help gifted kids thrive in school with ideas that work for lots of kids, so everyone will find ideas they can apply right away.
15 ways to help gifted kids thrive in school with ideas that work for lots of kids, so everyone will find ideas they can apply right away.
Why Gifted Students Have Unique Needs Let’s start this discussion with why gifted kids often have a different social and emotional journey compared to their
Introduction to Overcoming Perfectionism When I was learning to quilt, the only consistent about my stitching were the mistakes. A friend reassured me that the famous
Recently, I was a guest on the They’ll be Fine podcast, a fabulous podcast for those interested in gifted education done by the North Carolina
In this article: Find out how to optimize the back-to-school time for your class to get your year off to an amazing start. Get practical
There are entire books written about misdiagnosis of gifted kids. Why? Because in a number of children, giftedness looks like an alphabet soup of issues
Recently, I interviewed a truly delightful sixth-grade student. At one point in the conversation, I ended up interrupting regularly scheduled programming to give her a
ASL has a place in every classroom. Because I specialize in the education of gifted and talented students, I often cross paths with students who
If you’ve parented or taught a gifted child, you’ve probably Googled “How to help my gifted child succeed” at least once. Or maybe a million
Even without the intensities/overexcitabilities so common in our gifted population, kids can be overly emotional. What do I mean by overly emotional? I mean that
The students are the core of what we do, and I think it’s critical that they are also able to be the corps, or body,
Funky socks change lives, and they can change campuses and families, too. Fundraising is rarely anyone’s favorite activity, yet I want to share this one,
I’m desperately concerned about why children stop reading, and I hope you are, too. Let’s talk about why children stop reading and what we can