Five Crazy Laws of Teaching

Some of my best friends are teachers. No, really. I was one. Now my six word biography is, “She teaches even without a classroom.” If you’re not familiar with six word biographies, they’re really cool. Here’s a video about them: As a former teacher and the friend of lots of

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The Advantages of Acceleration

This boy at the starting blocks is ready to race. He’s really fast. He is, in fact, the fastest runner on the team. To make sure that no one’s feelings get hurt and that he is able to fit in socially, his coach has him wait every 100 meters for

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Five steps toward embracing your inner educator

Becoming the Teacher You Were Meant to Be

Part of what I do is train teachers to teach gifted kids. Did you know that that’s a job? I know, right? Sometimes I worry that teachers may think that because there is so much to learn about becoming an excellent teacher (especially of the gifted) that it is one

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The Gift of Self

Conference season is beginning, and I’m off to Iowa and Washington next week to share some ideas and best practices for teaching and parenting the gifted. Here is my presentation The Gift of Self on developing self-concept in kids (particularly the gifted). There is a handout that goes with it. Although

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Infusing Technology into the Classroom: A Beginner’s Guide

Have you wanted to infuse your classroom with more technology? Or perhaps you’d like to make your home more edu-tech friendly. Whatever your purpose, I’ve created a simple guide for infusing technology into the classroom/homeschool room without overwhelming you! It’s two short pages, with lots of tips and great resources.

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Why Write Right? Handwriting Helps

In today’s digital age, does it really matter if a child holds a pencil correctly? The answer may surprise you. Here it is…wait for it…yes. Why writing matters But why? It turns out that writing is one of the roads to learning, and it works in a different way than

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How Teachers Can Become Positive Deviants

  Have you ever wanted to be really good at what you do?  No, I mean really good. As in the best.  As in, do people think of you when they think of the highest quality of practice in your field?  I have.  And I have thought about it a

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Five Things Teachers Need to Know

So, I just got back from the Georgia Gifted and Talented conference, and I’m heading out to another one in Austin, and in between I’m facilitating a lot of professional development for teachers. Having this sandwich of experience has led me to write about five things I think that teachers at professional development

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Stealth Giftedness: Day 10

Welcome to Ten Days of Stealth Giftedness: A Crash Course on Incognito Intelligence This is your guide to effectively hiding your giftedness from the world. Kind of like being the James Bond or Jason Bourne of smart. Or both. Like these boys. Day 10: Pack up your adjectives. A long time

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Stealth Giftedness: Day 9

Welcome to Ten Days of Stealth Giftedness: A Crash Course on Incognito Intelligence This is your guide to effectively hiding your giftedness from the world. Kind of like being the James Bond or Jason Bourne of smart. Or both. Like these boys. Day 9: Play it again, Sam. Gifted kids get

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Stealth Giftedness: Day 8

  Welcome to Ten Days of Stealth Giftedness: A Crash Course on Incognito Intelligence This is your guide to effectively hiding your giftedness from the world. Kind of like being the James Bond or Jason Bourne of smart. Or both. Like these boys. Day 8: Grade A. Not. If there

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Stealth Giftedness: Day 7

Welcome to Ten Days of Stealth Giftedness: A Crash Course on Incognito Intelligence This is your guide to effectively hiding your giftedness from the world. Kind of like being the James Bond or Jason Bourne of smart. Or both. Like these boys. Day 7: Look sickly at your peril. To

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