Excellent Teaching

a picture of a child (girl)- Is my child gifted or just bright?

Is My Child Gifted or Just Bright? Reader Q&A

Is my child gifted or just bright? It’s a question many parents ask, and the answer is not an easy yes or no. Let’s explore more about a child whose parent is wondering the answer to this and how best to meet the needs of her daughter. Note: Frequently I

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2 kids writing - Differentiation Gone Wrong

Differentiation Gone Wrong: A Worksheet Nightmare

Differentiation Gone Wrong: I’m a big believer in differentiation. I mean huge. I often explore the internet looking for good examples of differentiation. And sometimes, I find examples of differentiation gone wrong. Here’s one such example: I don’t whether it’s nice to say where I got this or not, so

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a student holding magnifying glass - Differentiation on Demand: High School Biology

Differentiation on Demand: High School Biology

In this episode, I take a real, live high school biology lesson and suggest ways in which I’d approach differentiating it for high level learners. The Backstory I received an email asking me to give suggestions for how to differentiate this DNA structure lab. I decided to take a stab

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a kid making his homework - When Gifted Kids Want Homework

When Gifted Kids Want Homework

I know it sounds crazy, but some gifted kids want homework. They crave it. They beg for it. They will even make up fake homework if it’s not given to them. Trust me. It’s a thing. Many gifted educators know the research about the limited value of most homework, especially among

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a student sitting on the floor in the library while reading books - The Relevance of Reading

The Relevance of Reading

Reading is gaining in relevance. In an information-saturated world, reading becomes more important, not less. But not just any reading. Why reading is so important A few years ago, I was at my beloved Library of Congress’s National Book Festival. I stood at the edge of the stage where philanthropist David

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6 children - How to Get Gifted Kids to Work in Groups

How to Get Gifted Kids to Work in Groups

Gifted students’ preferred group size is usually a group of one. As in, they’d prefer to work alone nearly all of the time. Frankly, they often have very good reasons for this. No matter how good the reason, however, it can be problematic in a modern classroom, as group work

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Microlending in the Classroom Kiva

Microlending in the Classroom: Kiva

Microlending in the classroom can be a powerful yet simple tool for nearly every educator. I’ve used Kiva for microlending in my classroom, and I’m sharing some ideas for those of you who have been interested in using microlending in the classroom as part of a global classroom, to teach

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gifted kids exercising - 3 things gifted kids need

3 Things Gifted Kids Need

I had an amazing day with a group of teens in Lancaster, Pennsylvania last week. I want to tell you all about it, as well as some takeaways. What I did I got to spend the morning sharing ideas about neuroscience and what it means to be gifted. We started

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teacher and students - What's the next step?

What’s the Next Step?

You don’t have to be the most amazing teacher ever, tomorrow. That’s the thought for the day. Recently, I heard a message at church that encouraged us to start where we are and simply do the next thing on our journey to becoming better Christians. What’s the next step? That

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what you need to know about hyperdocs - My Foray into Hyperdocs

My Foray into Hyperdocs

This summer I was introduced to a tool I think belongs in every teacher’s toolbox. I decided to try it myself before I shared it with you. I hope you’ll find the tool itself useful, and I also hope you can learn from my story about how I almost rejected

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