Excellent Teaching

teens' group work - Group Work Self-Reflection

Group Work Self-Reflection Questions for Students

Group work self-reflection questions for students are a key factor in effective group work and a best practice for teachers using small groups. When students work in collaborative groups, it’s critical to have self-reflection questions for them to consider when the group work is done or you risk wasting terrific,

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6 reasons PBIS is a terrible idea

6 Reasons Why PBIS is a Terrible Idea

I loathe PBIS even more than I loathe Accelerated Reader, and friends, that’s a high bar. Why I think PBIS is a terrible idea To be fair, it’s not just PBIS. It’s all of the same type of behavior management systems that use often elaborate systems to punish and reward

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advice blocks - Differentiation Teacher-to-Teacher

Differentiation Advice: Teacher to Teacher

Need Some Differentiation Advice? Have you ever wanted some differentiation advice from real, live teachers in real, live classrooms? How can teachers who are comfortable with a differentiated classroom support and encourage teachers who are new to differentiation or struggling with differentiation? I’ve got answers! I recently had the wonderful

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depth and complexity rules cards

Depth & Complexity Rules Cards

Looking for an easy classroom management strategy that A) makes sense and B) empowers students to make good choices and save face? Have I got a freebie for you! My Depth and Complexity Rules Cards are super easy, super effective, and super cheap. Depth & Complexity Rules Cards You may

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what I've tried cards on clipboard

What I’ve Tried Cards

Classroom management strategies don’t have to be complicated to work well. I’ve got a simple card system I created to help my classroom run smoothly. I was sharing it at a training in Lewisville, Texas, and some of the teachers there asked that I share the cards. I have three

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parents: Explaining Differentiation to Parents

Explaining Differentiation to Parents: The Letter Home

Explaining differentiation to parents can be tricky. As a society, we value fairness above almost all things, and a differentiated classroom can look unfair from the outside if the definition of fairness is “sameness.” One important step teachers should take in the beginning of the year is to share their

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gifted kid: How to keep gifted kids motivated

How to Keep Gifted Kids Motivated

Ever wondered how to keep gifted kids motivated? Ever laid awake nights wondering how to keep gifted kids motivated? Ever torn your hair out wondering how to keep gifted kids motivated? Spoiler: I don’t have the answer. The reason there’s no answer is that the intervention will only work if:

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The Problem with Reading Logs: Reader Q & A

The Problem with Reading Logs: Reader Q & A

There is a problem with reading logs that students are expected to keep for school. There is more than one problem, actually, but I’m focusing on one. I’m giving solutions, too, so hold tight. Reader Q: This is part of my Reader Q & A series, and this question comes

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a girl reading with stuffed toys: Why Children stop Reading

Why Children Stop Reading And What To Do About It

I’m desperately concerned about why children stop reading, and I hope you are, too. Let’s talk about why children stop reading and what we can do about it. Too Few Of Us Read I came across an article recently called Harry Potter and the Death of Reading that was written in

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