book: Gifted Guru Book Club The Talent Code

The Talent Code – Book Review

The Talent Code by Daniel Coyle is a book I’ve wanted to read for a long time. I love exploring the idea of what builds greatness. I felt like it deserved a read alongside other books I’ve read that I think are related, like David Schenk’s The Genius in All of

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The Problem with Reading Logs: Reader Q & A

The Problem with Reading Logs: Reader Q & A

There is a problem with reading logs that students are expected to keep for school. There is more than one problem, actually, but I’m focusing on one. I’m giving solutions, too, so hold tight. Reader Q: This is part of my Reader Q & A series, and this question comes

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two kids playing: The Best Fundraiser in the History of the World

The Best Fundraiser in the History of the World

Funky socks change lives, and they can change campuses and families, too. Fundraising is rarely anyone’s favorite activity, yet I want to share this one, because I think it’s such a perfect fit for gifted children’s innate tendency toward social awareness and moral concern. I’ve never shared anything like this

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a girl reading with stuffed toys: Why Children stop Reading

Why Children Stop Reading And What To Do About It

I’m desperately concerned about why children stop reading, and I hope you are, too. Let’s talk about why children stop reading and what we can do about it. Too Few Of Us Read I came across an article recently called Harry Potter and the Death of Reading that was written in

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a picture of a child (girl)- Is my child gifted or just bright?

Is My Child Gifted or Just Bright? Reader Q&A

Is my child gifted or just bright? It’s a question many parents ask, and the answer is not an easy yes or no. Let’s explore more about a child whose parent is wondering the answer to this and how best to meet the needs of her daughter. Note: Frequently I

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2 kids writing - Differentiation Gone Wrong

Differentiation Gone Wrong: A Worksheet Nightmare

Differentiation Gone Wrong: I’m a big believer in differentiation. I mean huge. I often explore the internet looking for good examples of differentiation. And sometimes, I find examples of differentiation gone wrong. Here’s one such example: I don’t whether it’s nice to say where I got this or not, so

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a student holding magnifying glass - Differentiation on Demand: High School Biology

Differentiation on Demand: High School Biology

In this episode, I take a real, live high school biology lesson and suggest ways in which I’d approach differentiating it for high level learners. The Backstory I received an email asking me to give suggestions for how to differentiate this DNA structure lab. I decided to take a stab

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parent and gifted kid infront of laptop - Managing Screentime in families part2

Managing Screen Time in Families: Part 2

Family screen use contracts are a powerful tool in the management of digital devices for families. Managing screen time in families presents a challenge. How do you balance your desire not to have your kid become an internet Borg, hopelessly melded to a digitial hive, with your desire to have

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a kid reading a book - 11 tips to get kids to read good books

11 Tips to Get Kids to Read Good Books

How do you get kids to read good books? I’ve come up with eleven tips to get kids to read good books, but first, a little bit about how we end up here. I wrote about the relevance of reading in our modern world and the benefits of reading classics.

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a kid making his homework - When Gifted Kids Want Homework

When Gifted Kids Want Homework

I know it sounds crazy, but some gifted kids want homework. They crave it. They beg for it. They will even make up fake homework if it’s not given to them. Trust me. It’s a thing. Many gifted educators know the research about the limited value of most homework, especially among

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5 children reading books - How to Start a Book Club for Kids

How to Start a Book Club for Kids

Book clubs aren’t just for adults! To start one: decide what the club will be about invite the right people and the right number of people figure out how people will get the books set a meeting schedule decide what the flow/agenda of the meetings will be It’s not difficult!

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