Making Professional Development Amazing

What 3 lessons did I learn from the best professional development experience in the history of the world, and how can they help you in your classroom? At the end of June, I spent one of the most enjoyable weeks of my life in Conroe, Texas (north of Houston)…at professional

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How to Get Students Excited About Learning

When I introduce students to the water cycle, I give them a bottle of water labeled “dinosaur pee.” I invite them to, “Drink up, me hearties!” I ask them if they believe me that there is dinosaur pee in the bottle. Some do, some don’t. I then explain that because

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5 Things I Learned from Writing My Book

5 Things I Learned from Writing My Book

That wonderful moment when your book is published and you hold it in your hands and you hope that other people read it and find it useful and are glad you wrote it because it helped them… That very long sentence fragment should clue everyone in on how excited I

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I'm sharing 11 things every teacher should do this summer to help it be a recharge, refresh, and also effective preparation for the year to come.

11 Things Every Teacher Should Do This Summer

Summer…ahhhh…the time most teachers catch up on doctor’s appointments, shopping, and all the myriad errands and chores that go by the wayside during the hectic school year. I’m sharing 11 things every teacher should do this summer to help it be a recharge, refresh, and also effective preparation for the

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Differentiation Intervention: A Case Study

I received an email about a differentiation issue, and decided it was worth doing an entire case study on the problem this parent is facing. I’ve crowdsourced it with some awesome teachers from the Bullitt County School District in Kentucky (near beautiful Louisville). We sat down one afternoon and hashed

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2 kids amazed infront of laptop - Managing Screentime in Families part1

Managing Screen Time in Families: Part 1

Managing screen time in families is a new burden on parents. Our parents only had to worry about television. Now, you can get hours of screen time in every day without ever turning on a television. Whether you think screen time is good, bad, or neutral, it’s something worth examing

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Interacting with Defiant Students

  Got defiance? Handling defiant students (or personal children) can be one of the most difficult aspects of teaching, particularly when we don’t feel supported by others on the support team. Having a large toolbox of strategies and ideas can help. I’m sharing the ideas I’ve gathered over time from

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gifted - the-movie

Must See Movie: Gifted

Why you must see Gifted. Gifted does for gifted what Love Story did for Harvard: everyone will want to go there. It is the best onscreen fictional treatment of gifted ever. In history. In the universe. It is a must-see for anyone who cares about gifted kids, doesn’t really understand giftedness, is parenting a

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Dot-to-Dot Free Samples and Resources

I’m sharing where to find dot-to-dot free samples (and other ideas) today because I love dot-to-dot. Why I love dot-to-dot It’s fun. I like fun stuff. It is great fine motor skill practice. This is more critical for academic success than I think we give it credit for. It allows

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21 Ideas for Teaching Vocabulary

I’m sharing 21 ideas for teaching vocabulary. You may not be able to use all of them, but I hope you can find some ideas that will work well for you! I’ve shared books about vocabulary instruction, as well as the theory and techniques. This post is a lot more practical. We’re

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