Excellent Teaching

Who Else Wants Great Free Images?

If you have ever anguished over finding just the right image for your presentation or your blog or your handout or for your students to use or for your social media conversations, anguish no more. I’m sharing my go-to sites for finding copyright- and royalty-free images that look great. I’ll

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The Geek Olympics: Resources for Teachers

When watching the Olympics, are you more interested in the physics behind the jumps than the sequins on the ice skaters’ costumes? If so, have we got some ideas and resources for you. Over on our @MensaGT Twitter account, we got a request for Olympic-themed activities for bright kids, so

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Chess Resources for Young Players

Chess is über-popular. How do I know? I tried to come up with a handful of resources about it for young players and spent two hours just clicking links without even reading content. This is not a comprehensive list, but it will hopefully give novices and more committed players some ideas

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Step Away from the Bullet Points

Brian Housand and I have a thing about presentation design. We like it to be like meat from a disreputable source: well done. At the TAGT conference last week, we presented together on this idea, and our slide deck is available, along with the handout from the presentation. I’ve embedded

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Taking Advantage of Post-test Time

Is it just me, or is time short{er}? “I’ve got way too much instructional time,” said no teacher ever. It seems like every year teachers notice they have less and less “seat time” with their students and more and more to do with that little bit. That means that teachers

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Five Crazy Laws of Teaching

Some of my best friends are teachers. No, really. I was one. Now my six word biography is, “She teaches even without a classroom.” If you’re not familiar with six word biographies, they’re really cool. Here’s a video about them: As a former teacher and the friend of lots of

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Five steps toward embracing your inner educator

Becoming the Teacher You Were Meant to Be

Part of what I do is train teachers to teach gifted kids. Did you know that that’s a job? I know, right? Sometimes I worry that teachers may think that because there is so much to learn about becoming an excellent teacher (especially of the gifted) that it is one

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Infusing Technology into the Classroom: A Beginner’s Guide

Have you wanted to infuse your classroom with more technology? Or perhaps you’d like to make your home more edu-tech friendly. Whatever your purpose, I’ve created a simple guide for infusing technology into the classroom/homeschool room without overwhelming you! It’s two short pages, with lots of tips and great resources.

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Why Write Right? Handwriting Helps

In today’s digital age, does it really matter if a child holds a pencil correctly? The answer may surprise you. Here it is…wait for it…yes. Why writing matters But why? It turns out that writing is one of the roads to learning, and it works in a different way than

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How Teachers Can Become Positive Deviants

  Have you ever wanted to be really good at what you do?  No, I mean really good. As in the best.  As in, do people think of you when they think of the highest quality of practice in your field?  I have.  And I have thought about it a

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Five Things Teachers Need to Know

So, I just got back from the Georgia Gifted and Talented conference, and I’m heading out to another one in Austin, and in between I’m facilitating a lot of professional development for teachers. Having this sandwich of experience has led me to write about five things I think that teachers at professional development

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Stealth Giftedness: Day 3

Welcome to Ten Days of Stealth Giftedness: A Crash Course on Incognito Intelligence This is your guide to effectively hiding your giftedness from the world. Kind of like being the James Bond or Jason Bourne of smart. Or both. Like these boys. Day 3:  Don’t turn in your assignment when

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